Monday, 23 October 2017

Kidman Art Show 2017

The biennial Kidman Art Show has steadily grown into a much respected and enjoyed community art event in South Australia’s mid north. Supported by the Rotary Cub of Kapunda and held in the Kapunda Soldiers Memorial Hall, the exhibition provides an opportunity for local artists to exhibit their works and compete for a range prizes covering numerous forms of artistic media. 2017 Kidman Art Show was the sixth event and was again well supported.

One of the paintings I submitted this year was ‘T- Junction, Seppelsfield’ which was based upon the landscape of the palm tree lined road that leads to historic Seppelsfield Winery. In the midday sun of summer the palms provide a very distinct collective form that dramatically contrast against the straw coloured surrounds. Deep shadows fall gently upon the road as it heads steadily uphill toward the familiar T- junction.

I really enjoyed painting a scene that is only a few kilometers from Kapunda itself and was particularly pleaded when it was awarded ‘Best in Exhibition’ at the 2017 Kidman Art Show.