The Adelaide Park Lands Art Prize is a biennial event
organised by the Adelaide City Council to celebrate the city and its wonderful
natural environment that remains an integral aspect of its design. Launched in
2014, this art prize is open to all
artists, working in 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional art forms including
photography, so the works on show are particularly varied, all inspired by
various aspects of our unique parklands.
This year I
was fortunate to have a painting selected for the exhibition and attended the
opening at the Adelaide Festival Centre. It was great to see
the event so well attended, with the quality of the creative works on show
reinforcing our common passion for the subject matter. Both John Schumann and
Ian Gilfillan added further gusto to the evening when opening the exhibition, both
expressing their ongoing support of our parklands and the role of the visual
arts in celebrating them.
must go the Nick Mount as this year’s overall winner, with a beautifully
crafted piece, ‘Wakefield and East: A Still Life’, but also to all of the 59
artists who contributed to a truly impressive and diverse exhibition.